Among the several other oystercatcher species, American oystercatchers are the only species native to the Atlantic Coast of North America. They are commonly found on mudflats, sandy beaches, and occasionally on rocky shores. They are a social species and tend to roost communally in groups up to 100 or more individuals. American oystercatchers are very vocal, especially during the breeding season, when their breeding display is spectacularly auditory and visual. Their call is loud, rising, and then descending. Sounds here. American oystercatchers attract their mates by performing courtship displays that include both visual and auditory aspects. Courting birds walk parallel to one another while holding their necks outstretched, looking downwards, and making a loud piping call. Next, they bob their heads up and down and run side by side while changing the pitch and intensity of their call. Chicks rely on their parents for food until their bills become strong enough to probe and stab, a process that takes approximately 60 days.
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